TABLE VIII. Qualification inspection for locking-bushing-type resistors. 1/
Number of
or test
defectives 2/
Group I
Visual and mechanical
examination 3/
3.24 to 3.26 inclusive
DC resistance
Group II
Moisture resistance
Group III
Resistance to soldering heat
Rotational life
Insulation resistance
1/ This inspection is applicable only to 12 additional locking-bushing-type resistors when
submitted with standard-bushing type.
2/ Failure of an individual resistor in one or more test group shall be charged as a single
3/ Marking shall be considered defective only if it is illegible after completion of any of the
required inspections.
4.6 Conformance inspection.
4.6.1 Inspection of product for delivery. Inspection of product for delivery shall consist of Group A and B
inspections. Inspection lot. An inspection lot, as far as practicable, shall consist of all resistors of the same style
produced under essentially the same conditions, and offered for inspection at one time. Sealed resistors shall not be
included in the same lot with unsealed resistors. A lot may include more than one order.
4.6.2 Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall consist of the examination and test specified in table IX, and
shall be made on the same set of sample units, in the same order shown. Sampling plan. Subgroup 1. A sample of parts from each inspection lot shall be randomly selected in accordance with
table X. If one or more defects are found, the lot shall be screened and defectives removed. After screening and
removal of defectives a new sample of parts shall be randomly selected in accordance with table X. If one or more
defects are found in this second sample, the lot shall be rejected and shall not be supplied to this specification.
Resistance values in the samples are to be representative, and where possible, in proportion to the resistors in the
inspection lot. Subgroup 2. A sample of parts from each inspection lot shall be randomly selected in accordance with
table X. If one or more defects are found, the lot shall be screened and defectives removed. After screening and
removal of defectives a new sample of parts shall be randomly selected in accordance with table X. If one or more
defects are found in this second sample, the lot shall be rejected and shall not be supplied to this specification.
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