4.8.10 Short-time overload (see 3.15). A dc test potential, 2.5 times the rated continuous working voltage, but not
exceeding twice the maximum voltage (see 3.1), shall be applied for 5 seconds ±1 second to each resistor in the
network, one at a time. If single resistors cannot be isolated, the voltage applied at the two terminals shall be as
2.5 PR
Where R is the actual resistance measured at the two terminals and P is the combined power rating of the elements
contributing to the measured resistance. The following conditions shall be maintained.
Mounting: Method A or method B (see 4.8.1).
Networks are to be mounted horizontally in still air with no circulation other than that created by the heat of
the network being operated.
The resistance shall be measured as specified in 4.8.5.
Ambient temperature during test shall be 25OC ±5OC.
After removal of the test potential, the resistance shall be measured as specified in 4.8.5. Networks shall be
inspected for evidence of arcing, burning, and charring.
For referee purposes, a 10 second waiting period between voltage pulses shall be used.
4.8.11 Adhesion (not applicable to gullwing packages) (see 3.16). The delamination (peel) stress test shall be
applied to four randomly selected solder pads from each device selected for test. Preparation and testing of devices
shall be in accordance with figure 3. Pretinned soft annealed solid copper wire of a gauge (diameter) nearest, but
not exceeding that of the nominal solder pad width, shall be soldered to the solder pads to be tested in a manner
such that the wire is bonded over the entire solder pad length and the wire shall be bent perpendicular to the bond
plane prior to attachment. Caution should be taken to assure that the solder pad metallization is not damaged
during the soldering or the wire bending operation. Unless otherwise specified, a minimum tension of 50 grams
shall be applied, without shock, to each solder pad to be tested in a direction perpendicular to the solder pad surface
and maintained for 30 seconds minimum. When examined, using 10X magnification, after removal of the tension
stress, the appearance of any delamination involving constituent solder pad interfaces shall be considered an
adhesion failure of the solder pad. Separation of the solder pad from the device is an obvious (without visual
magnification) adhesion failure. Separation of the wire from the solder fillet (leaving the solder pad intact) or wire
breakage is considered a test procedure failure, and the test shall be repeated.
4.8.12 Terminal strength (not applicable to LCC) (see 3.17). Pull test. Networks shall be tested as follows:
Test weight: 4.5 pounds.
Test time: 30 seconds +5 seconds, -0 second.
The resistance shall be measured and specified in 4.8.5.
Number of terminals to be tested: Five randomly selected terminals.
Procedure: The specified weight shall be applied, without shock, to each lead or terminal to be tested in a
direction parallel to the axis of the lead (or terminal) and maintained for the specified test time. The tension
shall be applied as close to the end of the lead (or terminal) as practical.
Measurement after test: Networks shall be inspected for evidence of mechanical damage and resistance
shall be measured as specified in 4.8.5.
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