MIL-PRF-39015E Subgroup 4 (solderability). The subgroup 4 test shall be performed on an inspection lot basis
for ER parts. A sample shall be selected from each lot in accordance with table VIII. As an option, the
manufacturer may use electrical rejects from the subgroup 1 test for all or part of the sample. If there are
one or more defects, the lot is rejected. The manufacturer may use one of the following options for
corrective action:
a. Each production lot that was used to form the failed inspection lot shall be individually submitted to
the solderability test. Production lots that pass the solderability test are available for shipment.
Production lots that fail can be submitted to the solder dip procedure in
b. The failed lot is submitted to a 100 percent hot solder dip using an approved solder dip process in
accordance with the 3.5.8. A subsequent solderability test shall then be performed. If the lot
passes, it is available for shipment; if the lot fails, the manufacturer may perform the hot solder dip
one additional time. If the lot fails to pass, the lot is considered rejected and shall not be supplied
to this specification.
TABLE VIII. Solderability sampling plan.
Lot size
Sample size
1 to 3,200
3,201 to 10,000
10,001 to 35,000
35,001 and over Disposition of samples. The solderability test is considered a destructive test and samples
submitted to the solderability test shall not be supplied on the contract.
4.6.4 PPM assessment (non-ER and ER). The manufacturer shall establish and maintain a system for
assessing the average outgoing quality in PPM of lots supplied to this specification. This PPM
assessment should be based on inspections performed on each inspection lot, verifying that resistors
meet total resistance, and tolerance requirements (i.e., PPM). For ER resistors, this inspection shall
occur after the group A, subgroup 1, 100 percent screens have been completed. In the event of one or
more failures, the lot is rejected. Sampling plan. Minimum sample sizes for inspection lots shall be selected in accordance with
table VII. For non-ER resistors, the sampling system and plan used for the group A inspection (see may be the basis for assessing PPM. Rejected lots. Any rejected lot shall be segregated from new lots and those lots that have
passed PPM assessment. A rejected lot may be rescreened for the quality characteristics found
defective in the sample and any defects removed. A new second sample shall be randomly selected. If
one or more defects are found, this lot is rejected and shall not be supplied to this specification. PPM calculations. PPM calculations shall be based on the accumulated results of the initial
sample. Calculations and exclusion shall be in accordance with EIA-554-1 and qualifying activity
approval. (NOTE: PPM calculations shall not be based on the second sample submission for a rejected
lot as described
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