6.10 Transient change in resistance. It is suggested that when these resistors encounter shock and high
frequency vibration forces of the magnitudes enumerated in this specification, that they be used only in applications
where a 10 percent vibration can be tolerated in the resistance at the contact area.
6.11 Shock and vibration, high frequency. Suggested mounting fixture is shown in figure 6.
6.12 Temperature characteristic. The temperature characteristic will change an average of ±8 percent due to
thermal cycling.
6.13 Acceleration. The acceleration test was deleted from this specification because the thermal shock and
vibration tests will show any defects that the acceleration test would have accomplished.
FIGURE 7. Derating curve for continuous duty.
6.14 Selection and use information. Equipment designers should refer to MIL-HDBK-199, "Resistors, Selection
and Use of" for the selection of standard resistor types and values for new equipment designs. Application and use
6.15 Supersession data. Slotted shafts, identified by model "S" is used for replacement of flatted shafts identified
by symbol "F". For military replacement purposes, resistors with resistance characteristics identified by symbols "A",
"C", and "E" is used for replacement of resistors with resistance characteristics identified by symbols "B", "D", and "F".
Suppression of styles and other characteristics is as specified in table XVII
6.16 Retinning leads. If retinning (hot solder dip) of the leads is required (see Appendix A, Section 5).
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