MIL-PRF-39002C Sampling plan. A sample of parts shall be randomly selected in accordance with the group B sampling
plan of table V. If one or more defects are found, the lot shall be reworked or screened and defectives removed.
After reworking or screening and removal of the defectives, a new sample of parts shall be randomly selected in
accordance the group B sampling plan of table V. If one or more defects are found in the second sample, the lot shall
not be supplied to this specification. Disposition of sample units. Sample units which have been subjected to and have passed the tests of
group B inspection, and are within the specified initial resistance tolerance, may be delivered on the contract or order.
TABLE V. Group B inspection. 1/ 2/
Mechanical travel
Actual effective electrical travel
Dielectric withstanding voltage
Insulation resistance
Thermal shock
2/ If the manufacturer can demonstrate that this test has been performed five consecutive
times with zero failures, the frequency of this test, with the approval of the qualifying
activity, can be performed on an annual basis. If the design, material, construction, or
processing of the part is changed, or if there are any quality problems or failures, the
qualifying activity may require resumption of the original test frequency.
4.6 Methods of examination and test.
4.6.1 Visual and mechanical examination. Resistors shall be examined to verify that the materials, design, and
construction, physical dimensions, marking, and workmanship are in accordance with the applicable requirements.
4.6.2 DC resistance. Resistors shall be tested in accordance with method 303 of MIL-STD-202. The following
details shall apply:
Measuring apparatus: Different types of measuring test equipment (multimeters, bridges, or equivalent) are
permitted to be used on the initial and final readings of this test, provided the equipment is the same style,
model, or if it can be shown that the performance of the equipment is equivalent or better.
Test voltage: Measurements of resistance shall be made by using the test voltages specified in table VI.
The test voltage chosen, whether it be the maximum or a lower voltage which would still provide the
sensitivity required, shall be applied across the terminals of the resistor. This same voltage shall be used
whenever a subsequent resistant measurement is made.
TABLE VI. DC resistance test voltage.
Total resistance, nominal
Maximum test voltage
(in Ohms)
(in volts)
10 to 100, inclusive
Over 100 to 1,000 inclusive
Over 1,000 to 10,000 inclusive
Over 10,000
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