3.11 Terminal identification. The insulation of the flexible leads shall be colored as shown on figure 2
Figure 2. Circuit diagram
3.12 Weight. The maximum weight shall be 0.9 ounces.
3.13 Function conformity. The type of conformity shall be independent linearity.
3.14 Operating temperature range. The operating temperature range shall be -45OC to +125OC.
3.15 Static contact resistance. When the resistors are tested as specified in 4.1.3, the static contact resistance
shall not exceed 2,000 ohms (2.0 volts).
3.16 Marking. The resistor shall be marked with type designation and the manufacturers source code number.
Where required, the type designation may appear on two lines as shown in the following: Location of the marking
shall be located as shown on figure 1.
3.17 Pure tin. The use of pure tin, as an underplate or final finish, is prohibited both internally and externally. Tin
content of resistor components and solder shall not exceed 97 percent, by mass. Tin shall be alloyed with a minimum
of 3 percent lead, by mass (see 6.5).
4.1 Sampling and inspection. Sampling for delivery shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-39023, except static
contact resistance shall be added prior to output smoothness in table XI group A inspection.
4.1.1 Output smoothness. Output smoothness shall be as specified in 4.7.17 of MIL-PRF-39023, except run at 0.5
RPM instead of 4 RPM.
4.1.2 Static contact resistance. This test shall be performed in accordance with figure 3. Make the measurements
with the resistor mounted firmly in the holding fixture and with the shaft axis in the vertical position. Firmly clamp a
suitable collar to the end of the shaft. This collar shall provide for the application of a load both towards the resistor
body and away from it, applied at an angle of 45 degrees from the resistor center line. Rotate the shaft so that the wiper
is at the approximate midpoint of the theoretical electrical travel and connect the resistor as shown in the wiring diagram
(see figure 3). Apply a 5-pound load, alternately towards and away form the resistor body, at 90 degree intervals around
the shaft. Measure and record the static contact resistance (8 measurements).
4.1.3 Life. The rotational life test shall be as specified in of MIL-PRF-39023, except the operating shaft
shall be continuously cycled through not less that 5 percent or more that 95 percent of the electrical travel at an
average of 120 RPM ± 20 RPM. The total number of cycles to be performed for qualification shall be 25,000 cycles.
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