TABLE IX. Qualification inspection for locking bushing type resistors. 1/
Examination or test
Number of failures
allowed 2/
Group I
Visual and mechanical examination 3/
DC resistance
Group II
Moisture resistance
Group III
Rotational life
This inspection is applicable only to 12 additional locking bushing type resistors when submitted with the
standard bushing type.
Failures of an individual resistor in one or more tests of a group shall be charged as a single defective.
Marking shall be considered defective only if marking is illegible.
4.4.3 Defective. Failure of a resistor in one or more tests of a group shall be charged as a single failure. One
failure shall be allowed for groups I, II, III, and IV combined. No failures shall be allowed for groups V, VI and VII.
Failures in excess of those allowed shall be cause for refusal to grant qualification.
4.5 Retention of qualification. Every 6 months, the manufacturer shall compile a summary of the results of
conformance inspections in the form of a retention of qualification report, and forward it to the qualifying activity within
30 days from the end of the reporting period as the basis of continued qualification approval. In addition, the
manufacturer shall immediately notify the qualified activity whenever the group B inspection data indicates failure of
the qualified product to meet the requirements of the specification. Continuation shall be based on the evidence that
over a 6-month period, the following has been met:
The manufacturer has not modified the design of the item.
The specification requirements for the item have not been amended to affect the character of the item.
Lot rejection for group A inspection does not exceed the group A sampling plan.
The requirements for group B inspections are met.
When group B requirements are not met and the manufacturer has taken corrective action satisfactory to the
Government, group B retesting shall be instituted.
4.6 Conformance inspection.
4.6.1 Inspection of product for delivery. Inspection of product for delivery shall consist of groups A and group B
inspections. Inspection and production lot. Inspection lot. An Inspection lot, as far as practicable, shall consist of all resistors of the same style
(regardless of resistance value), produced in a period not to exceed 30 days, produced under essentially the same
conditions, and offered for inspection at one time. Production lot. A production lot shall consist of all resistors of the same style, nominal resistance value,
and resistance tolerance. Manufacture of all parts in the lot shall have been started, processed, assembled, and
tested as a group. Lot identity shall be maintained throughout the manufacturing process.
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